Tuesday, 9 August 2016

During the holidays I visited a school on a small Fijian island.

I spent time in first year class of 32 6 year olds.
They were very excited to see photos of our school.

I asked the teacher if there was anything she would like for her classroom.  She said things to decorate the walls to make the room bright,fun and interesting for the children.  I have already sent some things over to brighten the room with a family from our team.

Most children have never left the island.  Parents come and go from the island on small boats.  They mostly work at the resorts on the neighbouring island.  

I showed the children photos of our children learning to cross the road safely.  

The teacher asked me to explain what a road was - I hesitated and explained that it is the ground on which the cars, trucks and buses drive on. 
But then I realised most of these 6 year olds have never seen a car!  

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